(Department of Electronics and Communication, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore-560068,
(Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM Institute of Science
and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India)
(Laboratory of Computational Modeling of Drugs, Higher Medical and Biological School,
South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk-454080, Russia )
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Image restoration, BALLORG, Low-rank Prior, Augmented Lagrangian, Penalty methods, Lagrangian multipliers, Derivative prior, Block sparsity, Ill posed optimization, Constrained optimization
1. Introduction
Recent advances in the commercial electronics industry include increases in display
resolution for visual image-output devices. This means that older images and videos
shot on lower-resolution cameras can be blurred when displayed on the latest high-resolution
screens. To counter this compatibility problem, we need to use super resolution along
with deblurring algorithms to provide a high-quality output on the screen [1]. The deblurring is needed in this instance because of the fact that the super resolution
algorithm always tends to introduce slight blurriness or smoothness in the image,
which can be removed using a deblurring algorithm.
The severity of these blurs is not that heavy and does not require the complexity
of a learning-based method.
Most times, the blurs can be modelled with uniform and Gaussian features. There can
be other areas of image capture and processing where we can encounter blur in images
(mostly due to auto focal point error, handshake, camera movement, etc.).
As soon as the photons entering the cameras are converted to a voltage and quantified
at a CMOS sensor, the only way to correct the image is with digital post-processing
using digital imaging algorithms, such as the BALLORG method proposed here. Also,
in many cases, the digital post-processing must happen before the image is viewed
or transmitted, requiring real-time processing so that it can viewed seamlessly in
high quality. As it is well established in the literature, we have deblurring algorithms
that have ill-posed problems and seek an optimal solution for the ill-posed problem,
which can be computationally expensive and require lengthier computation time.
The main focus of the majority of deblurring and digital reconstruction techniques
is computation speed. Iterative loops that increase with the image size are used in
high-resolution pixel-based image and video processing, which enable the coupling
of an extremely powerful CPU with imaging technology. The proposed deblurring algorithm
BALLORG is intended to solve the following problems: (i) it can provide satisfactory
results both subjectively and visually; (ii) it has less computational complexity;
(iii) it is able to perform better than similar algorithms; and (iv) it has a novel
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We briefly examine some related work
that makes use of prior-based and sparse approximation techniques in Section 2. In
Section 3, we introduce the augmented lagrangian, low-rank prior-based deblurring
algorithm BALLORG. In Section 4, experiments are discussed, and Section 5 shows the
paper's conclusion.
2. Related Work
Image deblurring literature dates back to the 1960s with some of the first research
aimed at determining the optimal ill-posed solution for deblurring as blind, semi-blind,
and non-blind deconvolution with or without priors. The blind deconvolution can be
used when a generalized approach can work well for blurred images with uniform anomality
blur. Semi-blind and non-blind approaches [2] can be used for a variety of blurring phenomena, and each time, some information
about the blur distribution is used as a prior in the deblurring algorithm.
Over the years, the deblurring algorithm has diversified rapidly to borrow algorithms
from the area of computer science, artificial intelligence, and mathematics and is
very versatile in its scope and application areas [3]. Among the very prominent methods are wavelet-based methods [4], Wiener methods [5], edge-based methods, and compressive sensing methods [6]. Researchers heavily depend on the use of priors in a deblurring algorithm, especially
when the severity of the blurs is increased and the blur’s existence is unpredictable
Now, we have an unknown blur variable with increasingly more unknown parameters depending
on the priors, making it more manageable and predictable. Thus, the prior-based methods
convert blind deblurring into semi-blind and non-blind categories [8] and can be seen to be deployed in the latest literature. The priors that have been
used successfully include edge-based priors, gradient-based priors, wavelet-based
priors, L norm priors [10], Gaussian mixture model priors [11], principal component analysis, singular value decomposition priors, etc. [13]. Deblurring methods using compressive sensing have also proved efficient, and more
variants methods in deblurring include wavelets, Bayesian, gaussian mixture, and evolutionary
algorithms, etc.
Non-local central similarity (NCSR) [14] is one of the proposed algorithms based on non-local similarity in addition to dictionary
learning. In this class of algorithms, we also have regularization-based approaches,
low-rank prior, and sparse representation methods [15].The proposed algorithm BALLORG belongs to this category. Thus, in our experiments,
we have used methods from this category for PSNR and FSIM comparison and evaluation
of the proposed approach. The regularization method limits the solution space. Regularization
algorithms based on total variation (TV) [16] offer high edge-maintaining properties. Quality wavelet-type filter-based approaches
are used to extract multi-scale information. These proved to be of higher quality
than the TV-based method.
Patch-based representation is more important than pixel-based representation. In image
denoising, non-local means, imposing a regularization term, the K-SVD algorithm, the
BM3D denoising algorithm, the low-rank minimization algorithm, and weighted nuclear
norm minimization are often used approaches. Sparse representation is important in
image processing. Processing is faster and easier in a sparse representation because
only a few coefficients disclose the information we want. Such representations can
be built by decomposing signals over elementary waveforms from a family known as a
Since the first development of non-supervised algorithms and the popularity of dictionary
approaches, there has been a significant amount of study on learning-based deblurring.
These methods will be capable of dealing with both spatial and spatiotemporal blurring
at a high rate. Many studies have attempted to solve the problem of image deblurring
and super-resolution using deep learning. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [17], decision trees, large-scale CNNs, generative adversarial networks (GANs) [18], and other recent deep learning systems are examples. Algorithms like augmented Lagrangian
[19], alternating multiplier direction methods (ADMMs) [20], Bregman iterations [21], proximal gradient method [22], and the Gauss Seidel method [23] showed tremendous improvement in the DL domain. BALLORG can be compared to TV regularization
[8], Lagrangian deblurring methods [16], and alternating minimization methods classes of deblurring methods.
3. The Proposed Scheme
The suggested BALLORG algorithm's pipeline is depicted in Fig. 1. As evident from Fig. 1, it consists of the following interactive modules: (i) a low-rank prior module for
sparse representation and faster optimization, (ii) a gradient prior for preserving
sharp details, (iii) block-based processing to make use of local and global similarity
details and to make it faster than pixel-level processing, (iv) augmented Lagrangian
optimization with penalty weights for optimization, and (v) regularization parameter
tuning, which leads to better separability of a sharp image and blur kernel.
The ill-posed problem is converted into constrained optimization using penalty based
optimization technique called Augmented Lagrangian Method. The dimensionality reduction
is done using Proximal gradient Approximation technique and Low rank Regularizer.
Finally better image quality is achieved as result.
Fig. 1. The proposed BALLORG algorithm is depicted as a block diagram. The architecture shown above includes the augmented Lagrangian method, constrained optimization, proximal gradient low-rank prior, and gradient prior in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions.
3.1 Low-rank Optimization
As stated, the low-rank optimization problem is:
where $\left\| Hx-y\right\| $ is the convex function, $\left\| x^{*}\right\| $ is
a singularity in which the nuclear norm of$x$, which is derived. The rank matrix for
optimization is x, and we plan to gradually raise its rank $x$ in $\lambda \left\|
x^{*}\right\| $ iteratively. The initial rank of x is set to zero, and then the rank
previous is gradually increased as shown below.
The rank prior $x^{*}$ is calculated in each iteration along with regularizer $\lambda
_{k}$with some minor modification. As we increment the rank prior, the dependent rows
and columns increase and help in achieving the global minimum. The low-rank prior
can be incorporated in both the objective and penalty function as:
The above equation can be with Frobenius norm with least-square approximation as
In addition to assisting in principal component pursuit (PCP), the above low-rank
prior approximation [24] can also overcome some noisy readings in the input image. By representing the convex
hull as an augmented Lagrangian and providing the following information, constraint
optimization can be reduced to unconstrained optimization:
where $\nabla x$ represents the gradient of the deblurred image in the X, Y, and Z
directions, and $\mu $ is a parameter determined from the penalty regularizer variable
$\lambda $. The scalar parameter values tend to keep the variable splitting very sparse
and marginal and make it efficient for singular value selection:
where $\rho $and $\upsilon $are the right and left singular vectors, respectively.
The fixed low-rank optimization in our approach is a matrix completion problem that
uses Reimannian-structure trust-region coefficients for low-computation rank generation
and rank incrementation by choosing the global minima over the desired local minima
The use of the sub-variable differential and gradient has been defined in a Reimannian
structure and allows for faster computation in first-order optimality conditions given
The conditions above point the solution to the optimal global minimum without consideration
of the closeness to the local minimum. This closeness can be made to synchronize using
augmented Lagrangian penalty methods:
where$D_{xyz}$represents the derivatives in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions.
The low-rank Riemannian approach above takes all set of points inside a search set,
as shown in Fig. 2. The search space’s initial values depend on the significant singular values in horizontal
and vertical subspace, which can be moved as a block towards the direction of the
global minimum.
However, the convergence of the rank does not stop the deblurring, which can still
continue with the same rank until deblurring convergence is achieved. Fig. 2 shows the low-rank and low-range convergence direction with and without the derivative
prior for two separate test pictures. It is clear that the low rank with the preceding
derivative provides a much smoother convergence direction than using the low-rank
prior alone. The same holds true for Gaussian, uniform, and motion blurred image
Fig. 2. The global minimum convergence using low-rank $\sum _{i}\rho \upsilon $ with derivative prior $D_{xyz}$: (a) Use of $D_{xyz}$ has some smoothing in the iterative convergence, whereas in (b), it does not seem to have too much influence. The graph illustrations have been plotted for two different images. }
3.2 Augmented Lagrangian Optimization with Low-rank and Derivative Prior
For remaining deblurring and convergence, the augmented Lagrangian optimization cost
function employs the low-rank derivative prior [21-23]. The enhanced Lagrangian issue is modelled as:
The enhanced Lagrangian technique described above will now be combined with the low-rank
derivative to keep it limited within the constrained set. Because of the following
features, using an augmented Lagrangian simplifies convergence minimization even further.
The function can be realized under first-order conditions since it is convex, differentiable,
and has zero gradients. The function's boundaries are limited to $-\infty $ to $+\infty
$. Using these conditions, we can now denote the prior-based augmented Lagrangian
The augmented Lagrangian above has a penalty parameter and multipliers in ($\lambda
,\,\,c$), which must be computed along with other variables in each iteration that
can be predefined for a rate of convergence as:
where $\rho $(1,2) and $p>2$make the convergence super linear and overcome ill conditioning.
The low-rank criteria that can guarantee convexity and convergence are given by:
By applying the one-sided equality constraints to the above, we have:
This leads to exact minimization for $\lambda ,c$:
The criterion above computes ${\lambda}$ and c to give a unique point and attains
4. Experimental Results
The suggested algorithm was compared to other current state-of-the-art methods in
terms of performance and efficiency. The experimental comparison of algorithms was
done with two categorical methods: prior-based and intelligence-based algorithms.
Experiments were carried out on the standard datasets used in a comparative paper.
4.1 Performance Comparison with Prior-based Algorithms
In the deblurring category using full or semi-prior-based inputs, we used NCSR (Non-Locally
Centralized Sparse Regularization), FISTA (Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm),
ASDS-REG (Adaptive Sparse Domain Regularization), IDD-B3D (Block Matching 3D Frames),
and L0-SPAR (L0 Sparse Deblurring). Identical datasets and an experimental setup were
used to do the performance comparison. For the test images, we used uniform and gaussian
blur deformities with added random noise. Table 1 displays the results of the suggested ISNR approach for six different blur scenarios.
Fig. 3 indicates that BALLORG converges faster and in less iteration compared to the prior-based
techniques. For most of the images studied, the optimal convergence occurs after fewer
than 50 repetitions.
Fig. 3. Low-rank versus iterations displaying the percentage of low-rank priors used for BALLORG deblurring on all the pictures in the dataset. The x-axis depicts the number of iterations, while the y-axis represents the intensity of the low-rank prior used throughout deblurring.
Table 1. Comparison of the performance of existing techniques with BALLORG on uniform and Gaussian blur.
4.2 Performance Comparison with Learning-based Methods
The proposed BALLORG method was also compared to other deep learning-based deblurring
approaches proposed for scale recurrent deep image deblurring [17], neural blind motion deblurring, motion blur kernel deep learning, blind deblurring
using conditional adversarial networks, and deep unrolling for image deblurring (DUBLID).
All the algorithms described above have been evaluated for performance computation
on the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and the Benchmark Dataset. The techniques were
tested for motion blur using 16 angles and interpolation, yielding 256 kernels.
Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of 0.01 was applied to 256 ${\times}$ 256
blurred photos. The images were then pipelined to the BALLORG method, and the peak
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and similarity index measure (SSIM) were computed. The
results suggest that the proposed BALLORG method outperforms the deep learning-based
deblurring algorithms given in Table 2.
Table 2. Comparison of proposed BALLORG method with deep learning methods on the same test images and kernels.
DL [17]
DL [18]
Generative Adversarial Network [21]
4.3 Modular Algorithmic Performance Comparison
The proposed BALLORG method was disassembled into submodules to demonstrate the significant
role of each module in the image restoration and sharpening. Fig. 4 depicts the results of the proposed BALLORG method on images from standard datasets.
A comparison was done utilizing the present strategies. Fig. 4 displays the suggested algorithm's step-by-step outcomes. The figure's first column
illustrates a uniformly blurred image with a kernel mask of 9X9 and noise deviation
of 1.414. The gradient priors in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal dimensions are
illustrated in the second column.
As can be seen in column 2 of Fig. 4, the use of these weighted gradient priors results in optimum edge preservation with
each iteration, blur is progressively and iteratively reduced, and only the smoothest
areas are used aggressively for deblurring. The low-weighted blue pixelated portions
and larger-weighted yellow pixelated regions were plugged into the Lagrangian penalty
characteristics. The regularized low rank given in the third column was used as a
prior and updated with every iteration.
Table 3 compares the proposed BALLORG method with its similar modular counterpart, including
the augmented Lagrangian method (ALM), augmented Lagrangian with low rank (ALLOR),
and block-based augmented Lagrangian deblurring (BALM). The use of the low-rank and
gradient Priors and the use of the block-based weighted degree calculated from the
gradient priors improve performance metrics such as PSNR and SSIM.
Fig. 4. Experimental findings on test images. The first column contains the blurry test image, the second column contains the gradient previous weights used for deblurring, the third column contains the Lagrangian penalty term weighted by edge information, and the fourth column contains the low rank front edge map with regularization used to update and calculate the low rank to each iteration.
Table 3. The suggested BALLORG method is compared to various relevant algorithms, such as augmented Lagrangian with low-rank prior (ALLOR), block augmented Lagrangian method (BALM), and augmented Lagrangian method (ALM).
4.4 Comparison of Blind Deblurring Techniques and BALLORG
The effectiveness of the suggested method is compared with current state-of-the-art
algorithms in Table 4, including FISTA [22], L0-SPAR, IDD-B3D [18], ASDS-REG [23], and NCSR [2]. In the studies, images with additive random variation and Gaussian and uniform blur
were used. It is evident that BALLORG functions well for virtually any image with
a constant parameter. The ISNR results of the proposed algorithm on six distinct blur
scenarios demonstrate the usefulness of the suggested approach once more.
Fig. 5 demonstrates that BALLORG’s convergence occurs in far fewer iterations than that
of existing approaches (1000 or more). For most of the studied photos, the optimum
convergence occurs at 50 iterations and above, resulting in cases of overfitting or
needless blurring. Because of the faster convergence, the suggested technique is suitable
for real-time implementation.
The plot of PSNR vs. iterations proves that the suggested BALLORG deblurring can obtain
optimum performance with a smaller number of iterations given in Fig. 5. Regarding rank priors vs. computation time, the use of low-rank priors has a negligible
impact on computation time at each iteration.
Fig. 5. PSNR Vs Iterations.
Table 4. PSNR and SSIM comparison of BALLORG with several techniques: complete variational, sparse, 3D frame, adaptive sparse, and non-locally centralized sparse deblurring.
5. Conclusion
We presented a novel BALLORG deblurring algorithm that seamlessly integrated augmented
Lagrangian low-rank priors and gradient priors to produce improved efficiency output.
The proposed approach is applicable to a wide range of blur severity and blur types,
which include Gaussian and uniform blur. The least amount of iterations was required
to reach minimization convergence, and the usage of rank prior had very little negative
effect on the computing speed, making it faster than other approaches. The rank prior
has only a little impact on the computational cost of the algorithm, but the fewer
iterations make the process run faster.
BALLORG was compared to previous deblurring algorithms based on learning. Even though
BALLORG has proven that low rank along with the augmented Lagrangian can be an ideal
option for deblurring, parameter tuning was a little cumbersome and needed manual
assistance to some extent. Through experimental simulations, the importance of each
module in the pipeline and faster convergence were also shown. The future application
of BALLORG includes the integration of this algorithm in devices running Android and
mobile platforms. Future research will involve evaluating BALLORG on embedded systems
and developing a system on chip for use in consumer technology products like phones,
cameras, and televisions
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Laya Tojo received the M.Tech degree in Digital Electronics and Communication Engineering
from Visvesvaraya Technological Univer-sity, Belagavi. She is currently working as
Assistant Professor in Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering at The Oxford
College of Engineering, Bangalore and pursuing the Ph.D Degree in Image Processing
under the guidance of Dr. Manju Devi under VTU. Her research interest includes deep
learning and Image Processing.
Manju Devi is a Professor and Head of the Dept. in Electronics and Communication
Engineering at The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore. She holds a Ph.D degree
in VLSI from Visvesvaraya Technolo-gical University, Belagavi. She has rich experience
in research, teaching and academic administration. She worked in capacity of Vice
Principal & Head of the Department in BTL institute of Technology, Bangalore. She
is the Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and
IEEE photonic Society and life time member of IETE and ISTE society. She has demonstrated
excellent research outcomes and received several awards including Gold medals, scholarships
and best paper. She is nominated as BOE Member at Alliance University and Doctoral
Committee Research Member at Vellore University.
Vivek Maik received his B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communi-cation at Cochin
University. He received Masters and PhD in Image Processing from Chung-Ang Univer-
sity (CAU) Seoul, Korea, in 2010. Currently, he is serving as Professor in Electronics
& Communication SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India. Before starting his professor carrier, he worked at the Korea Samsung
Electronics as an assistant researcher. He was involved in various projects including
lenses, semiconductor chips. His research interests include sparse representation,
Image Deblurring, Super resolution, Reranking and many. He is guiding many PhD students.
He has been awarded a gold medal for the best paper presented in ICCE- Asia, International
conference- 2016
K. Gurushankar is serving as Professor Department of Physics, School of Advanced
Sciences, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Virudhunagar,
Tamilnadu. He was working with Laboratory of Computational Modeling of Drugs, Higher
Medical, and Biological School, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk Russia. He
is guiding many PhD students.